Our Mission
Our mission is to substantially increase the number of teachers and education professionals elected to public office. We envision a world where educators make up a majority of the Education Committees in Congress and educators are inspired to run, and win, up and down the ballot.

Our Vision for Fundamental Change.
We're starting at the Federal level in 2020, where the elections impact every educator. In 2021, we'll expand to state legislative candidates and then to local candidates after that. By the time we are at full scale, we'll be raising money for and running independent expenditures to benefit candidates up and down the ballot and all over the country, fundamentally changing the political calculus for, and electoral results of, educators.
Find educator candidates in competitive elections who inspire other educators to get involved and donate.
Highlight compelling personal stories and the highly-relevant professional experiences of our candidates.
Recruit & grow an online community of educators and allies who want to improve representation.
Fund raise for candidates by via digital bundling & support them with smart independent expenditures.